My free 2015 Monthly Planner is back!My free 2015 Monthly Planner is back!

By popular demand, I've prepared next year's monthly planner and I'm offering it up again as a free PDF download! Merry early Christmas to you all.The design/layout is identical to previous years as it has been working for me quite well and I love the fun colors.For full step by step instructions on…

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Our Thanksgiving TablescapeOur Thanksgiving Tablescape

Exactly one week from this moment I'll be chopping apples, basting a turkey, stirring cider and preparing stuffing for a room full of some of my favorite people. This is exactly what I envisioned for our dining room—the reason we built a massive 9 foot table that can easily fit our party of 10 on Th…

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Recent Shopping Trips: H&M Home, Ikea + A Balsam Hill ContestRecent Shopping Trips: H&M Home, Ikea + A Balsam Hill Contest

Yesterday I shared my Favorite Things, and today I thought it'd be fun to show you my latest purchases and what I've been stalking online for the holidays!I mentioned H&M Home as one of my favorites and I know some of you hadn't heard they've expanded to a Home line. They've basically replaced Ikea …

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